This task involved reproducing a one minute introduction scene from Juno. We worked in pairs, I played the role of Juno and had to walk in shots, carry a milk carton and wear a red hoodie to try and make it as realistic to the original as possible. Tom did the filming and had to make sure the frames were correct (for example he had to be the correct distance away to fit everything in the shot) he also had to show skills of panning and following with the camera.
You are editing your own footage, how did the filming go?
The filming went well overall. We repeated shots which to not go right the first time to give us the best outcome.
Was your storyboard accurate?
I believe our storyboard was accurate and gave us a good indication of how each shot should look and how long it should last. We watched the original video and timed the length of each shot and recorded it on our storyboard so we had the correct timings written down when we went out to film. We drew accurate drawings in colour to indicate how each shot should look and gave us details such as the red hoodie. We wrote necessary descriptions and keywords for each shot and transitions to give us more information about the filming. To improve our video we should include more description onto the storyboard because this was the reason behind a few inaccuracies.
What were your strengths and weaknesses in the group?
We completed the task within the time allocated which showed we worked well and efficiently as a team. However I believe we did not spend enough time planning. I do not think there was good enough communication on how we were going to plan each shot.
Did you get all the footage you wanted?
We recorded all of the footage we had set out to. We did retakes when we could not get some scenes to the standard we wanted. I think we should have taken two of three takes of each shot in order to create a more accurate video. We could have chosen the best one from each scene and put them altogether to make sure the timings fit the original video.
What technical skills - camera and premiere - did you learn?
Overall I became more confident with using Premiere. I became more familiar with editing my video clips, such as speeding up or slowing them down to fit the timeframe or to make the overall video more accurate. I also became better at using effects, including transitions to make my video run smoothly.
I also learnt about how the panning of the camera or keeping it stationary and how these affected the mood or atmosphere of the shot.
How does it compare to the original?
The video we created is 5 seconds shorter than the original Juno video meaning that ours is faster and therefore inaccurate. some of our shots are incorrect- sometimes we got the panning or the framing wrong. This was due to lack of attention to detail, planning and precision.
What went well - What I learnt - What I will take with me to the next production...
I believe the editing/ cutting of the videos went well because we filmed a lot more than what is actually shown in our final video. This included the ability to chop the shots where needed to make the video flow and more alike the original. (I kept in the best footage but cut out the seconds we did not need.) I think our video was reasonably accurate due to using the large drinks carton and the symbolic red hoodie.
I learnt that sometimes the shortest length shots can take the longest to film because it is had to get them accurate and hot we wanted. for example, we took many re-takes of the few second shot when Juno is standing on the edge of a pathway taking a drink from the carton and looking out across the road. This took a while because we struggled to get the framing right, which included where I stood in the shot and at what time tom had to zoom the shot out. I found the re-taking shots is an important part of filming. I leant to focus on the framing next time and identify how close the main object should be to the camera. I also learnt to observe the surroundings before filming in order to not catch people in the background of the shot when not needed. Another important part of filming we learnt is to clan the lens beforehand in order to create sharper and clearer videos.
To wrap up my Juno task evaluation, I will take with me the skills I learnt when using Premiere software and the video cameras to ensure more success when on a filming task in the future.