Blog Reflection


Throughout my learning journey of creating many different blog posts, I have explored differernt ways of presenting information. I have recently become more familiar with Prezi and think its a great way to present and explore ideas. I have also learnt to upload powerpoints onto my blog by using my new Slideshare account.I used this to present our first group film pitch, My individual film pitch, the institutions task and the film pitch representing genre. When editing our final film, I took the main role of editing our film opening which allowed me to become more familiar with Premiere and the different effects I could put on the sound or video to improve it.

Mark out of 20

I would give myself a 15/20 at the moment. I think some posts in my blog need to include more detail and the analysis needs to be more in depth but I believe I have completed all the tasks given to an acceptable standard.

More thorough or less complacent?

I think i need to be more thourough in a lot of my posts which focus on in depth writing. I think i need to write a lot more to explain what i think/ have to say.

Is it fun to look through?

I think my blog is fun to look through because i believe it is colourful and exciting. The font is dark red and the headings are red bubble writing, making it look eye catching. I also think this is better than having plain black normal font because i am a visual learner so find it benefits me when my work looks more interesting. I have also included images in my posts to make them more visual and break up the text.

Is the learning journey evident?

I think the learning journey is evident because I think I have improved throughout the course of my media lessons since the beginning of year 12. My blog shows how over time i introduced different programmes to present my information.


I think i need to improve on the depth of my descriptions and analysis in order to achieve a better standard of work and overall try to achieve the best grade I can.