Music: updated

For our final draft we changed the music in order to fit with the scenes better. Our class feedback included critisism about our original feedback saying 'it wasn't right for a film opening, more suitable for a daytime TV programme'.

Both of the new soungs we have used include a piano sound. This relates them to each other except the second one we used 'breathe me' is more upbeat and louder than 'soda'. This is appropriate bceasue 'Soda' is playign when the video is mysterious and needs to build tension whereas

For the first scene set in the woods where it is quite slow and there is a VoiceOver, we used 'Soda' by the Cinematic Orchestra. It sosunds quite 'twinkly' which suits the scene among the trees well. It makes it feel mystical and gives a sense of a fanasy theme (witchcraft). This is non-diagetic because the music sounds like a children's lullaby

For the second scene after the main title (of rewound scenes back to the beginning of the film) we used 'Breathe Me (instrumentral version)' By Sia.