
We will need a large table in the librbary for the group of friends to sit around. On the table there will be:
Notebooks, Pens, Paper (the group will be attempting to research for their history witchcraft project). 
There will also be a laptop which someone on the table is using and a computer behind the table with the witchcraft blog loaded up on the screen. On this blog there will be a photograph of  the late witch 'Evangeline' which is who the film spirals around. The photograph will be of the actor who plays Eva (Sophie Frain) so it is clear to the audience that Evangeline looks like Eva. However the girl in the photograph will be wearing old fashioned clothes. The photograph will be 'black and white' to make it look like it was taken many decades ago.

Witchcraft books on the table in the library
Printouts of witchcraft to go on the table
3 laptops
gym bag
glasses for Faye to wear
phone x2